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Safety, hygiene and quality management – VEGA sensors fulfil the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry

In biotechnology and in the pharmaceutical industry, the requirements on measurement technology are many: Safety, flexibility and the ability to guarantee the highest hygienic standards, such as FDA, ISPE GAMP, ASME-BPE or EHEDG, are just a few examples of what standards sensors must fulfil. From preparation, fermentation and separation to storage, precise dosing, filling and regular cleaning during operation, measurement technology facilitates processes in pharmaceuticals production, increases efficiency and boosts productivity. 


VEGA offers the entire range of suitable measuring principles for level and pressure. The advantages of the sensors: 

  • Standardised process fittings
  • Standardised hygienic adapter system
  • Diffusion-tight
  • Extremely robust
  • Designed for CIP and SIP processes

The following examples show which tasks the sensors perform and where they are used.


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