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Measured value display and adjustment on
plics® sensors

The display and adjustment module PLICSCOM is used for indicating measured values directly on the sensor. as well as remotely setting up and operating plics® sensors. A PC or special software is not required. This display and adjustment module can be inserted into any sensor and removed again, without having to interrupt the power supply. Sensors with double-chamber housing allow installation of the display and adjustment module either in the electronics compartment or in the terminal compartment.
  • Ideal for use in high tanks and in areas difficult to access
  • Convenient, safe sensor adjustment, even in bad weather
  • Adjustment with PC, smartphone or tablet
  • Secure connection through PIN and encryption
  • Adjustment with magnetic pen through closed sensor lid
    Ideal for Ex hazardous areas or dirty measuring environments
  • Easy to retrofit on all plics® sensors manufactured since 2002


On-site adjustment with magnetic pen

An elegant solution: With the help of a magnetic pen, the sensor can also be adjusted right through the closed lid with viewing window! The perfect solution for demanding measuring environments.
  • Ideal for rough, dirty conditions
  • Simple adjustment in Ex hazardous areas
  • Adjustment with closed lid ensures safe operation
  • Adjustment possible even with gloves on

Magnetic pen

Instrument adjustment via smartphone or tablet

Your smartphone or tablet gives you convenient access to the adjustment functions of the sensor.
  • Simple and intuitive app operation
  • Optimised display in portrait and landscape format
  • Easy to use graphic visualisation
  • Menu structure identical to PACTware/DTM


Measured value display and diagnostics via smartphone or tablet

Need a quick look at the diagnostic information? Or a quick readout of a measured value in between? The optimised display and diagnostics function makes it possible!
  • Quick and easy visualisation
  • Display of measured value and sensor status
  • Diagnosis via echo curve and event memory
  • Display of other parameters, e.g. Bluetooth range

Wireless instrument adjustment with a PC

State of the art: The sensors are configured with the proven adjustment software PACTware and DTM via Bluetooth USB adapter.
  • Convenient wireless adjustment of the sensors
  • Simple and fast connection, e.g. for diagnostic purposes
  • Easy use via Bluetooth USB adapter


Setup and diagnostics

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Adjustment with magnetic pen

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Adjustment with smartphone/tablet

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Adjustment with laptop

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